Dollar General Gas Stations credit cards are generally easy to obtain since gas companies don’t face many risks. If you make a purchase at that particular company, you get rewards points on future purchases there (typically five cents for every dollar you spend). Just about anyone can qualify for these, and you don’t even need good or even average credit to qualify. Go down to your nearest gas station and ask for one. Why do Dollar General Gas Stations offer them? By giving you reward points, they eliminate the money they lose by encouraging you to only buy gas from them. Dollar General Gas Stations
The Dollar General Gas Station is:
As the economy struggles and gas prices rise, nearly all Americans are searching for ways to pinch every penny they can. Today, looking for ways to save money on gas is more than just advocacy or a lifestyle choice. It is simply due to the low economy. A gas credit card can be used to get a discount on fuel purchases if you’re looking for opportunities to do so. The reason is simple: when you use your gas card, you receive rebates, discounts, and bonus points. Depending on the company, rebates, discounts, or cash back differ in amount. Some companies offer discounts of three percent, while others provide discounts of up to five percent. Using a gas card to buy gas usually saves you money no matter what the card provider is. As a result, you will end up saving hundreds of dollars.
Gas Savings & Improved Gas Mileage:
As a result of the slowdown in the economy, people are spending more money on gasoline than ever. It makes no sense as to why gas prices are so high yet we still pay for the privilege of driving to work or taking a joy ride every day. When I filled up my gas tank two years ago, it cost me about $40, but now it costs me over $70! A tank of gas only lasts me less than a week. If you had $70 you could do a lot more with it. It would be enough to buy groceries for a week for me. However, how long would that last? With rising gas prices come rising costs for everything else since it must be transported to the point of sale. Besides minimizing your vehicle usage, there are some things you can do to reduce your gas costs.
Dollar General Gas Station owners:
Unfortunately, gas station owners are in a similar situation as refineries. Their input prices are out of their control since they do not produce gasoline. They cannot raise prices as quickly as they would need to in order to maintain historical profit margins due to a high level of competition and stingy consumers. More than 1,000 gasoline stations closed in the United States last year, many of which were losing money every time they sold a gallon of gasoline because gas spot prices were rising so dramatically over the last year and a half. Through 2008 and perhaps into 2009, you can expect more gas stations to close. Because the business has become so unprofitable, Exxon Mobil recently announced plans to sell 2,500 of their company-owned gas stations in the United States during the next year, most likely at steep discounts to their worth even three months ago.
High gas prices are the result of:
With the exception of John McCain and Barack Obama, I would say whose to blame for high gasoline prices has been the most talked-about news story across every media outlet over the last month or two. Gasoline prices peaked earlier this month around $4.11 per gallon, or regular 87 octane, and have since fallen to approximately $4.03 per gallon. This is obviously a huge increase from the price range around *$2.50 in 2006 and 2007. As our economy and lifestyle are based on the use of gasoline for transportation, “just an extra” $2.53 per gallon is not important. Everyone wants to know who is to blame and how the problem can be fixed. Like many other questions concerning energy, the answer is not nearly as simple as the media would have you believe.